Advisory Boards and Committees
For funding agencies, telescopes and grant evaluation
- Referee for funding agencies: Academy of Sciences (Finland), NWO (Netherlands), FWO (Belgium), ISF (Israel), DFG (Germany), CONYCIT (Chile)
- Elected member of International Astronomical Union Commission Massive Stars G2
- Nominated Irish member of COST Action ChETeC Management Committee
- Member of the Hubble Space Telescope Time Allocation Committee
- Member of the ESO Observing Panel Committee
- Referee for scientific journals: Nature, Nature Astronomy, MNRAS, The Astrophysical Journal, Astronomical Journal, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Journal of Physics
- External reviewer for the Gemini, SOAR, and OPTICON telescope Time Allocation Committees
- External reviewer for the NASA's Astrophysics Theory Program (USA)
- Guest Editor of the journal Advances in Astronomy