Organization and facilitation of international meetings
- IAU Symposium 361 "Massive stars near and far" (May 2022)
Scientific Organizing Committee Member, Cavan, Ireland
- IAU Symposium 361 "Preview: Massive stars near and far" (May 2021)
Scientific Organizing Committee Member (online)
- Workshop "ULYSSES and XSHOOTER science opportunities" (Oct 2020)
Scientific Organizing Committee Member (online)
- Conference "Properties of Wolf-Rayet Stars" (postponed)
Scientific Organizing Committee Member, Morelia, Mexico
- Annual Conference of Irish Astronomy (Sep 2018)
Session Organizer, Birr, Ireland
- Conference "Massive Stars and Explosions II" (Aug 2017)
Scientific Organizing Committee Member, Dublin, Ireland
- Conference "Massive Stars and Explosions II" (May 2017)
Scientific Organizing Committee Member, Armagh, UK
- IAU Symposium 329 "Deaths of Massive Stars" (Nov 2016)
Discussion leader and facilitator, Auckland, New Zealand
- Conference “Frontiers in Massive Star and Supernovae” (Jul 2016)
Chair of Scientific Organizing Committee, Athens, Greece
- Conference “40 Years of B[e] stars” (Jul 2016)
Scientific Organizing Committee Member, Prague, Czechia
- Workshop “Red Supergiants” at IAU General Assembly (Aug 2015)
Session Chair, Honolulu, Hawaii
- Workshop “Massive star evolution” (Oct 2014)
Discussion leader and facilitator
- IAU Symposium 307 "New windows on massive stars” (Aug 2014)
Local Organizing Committee, Geneva, Switzerland
- Workshop “GRBs and their high-redshift hosts” (Jan 2013)
Session Chair, Sesto, Italy
- Workshop “Stellar Atmospheres in the GAIA era” (Jun 2011)
Scientific Organizing Committee Member